cfxAIA Application Services Installation & Configuration

Step 1: Log in to console-ui with below url

https://<Platform VM IP>/console-ui

Note: When we login for the first time, the user is asked to enter the new password to login into console-ui, same password to be used to login into cfx dimensions UI as well.

Step2: After login into console-ui below are the steps

  1. Navigate to Menu → Service Manager → Service Catalog

  2. Select ‘Production’ from drop down

  3. Click Deploy on the “cfxAIA Standalone App”blueprint

  4. Select Policies tab

    1. For “HA Deployment Policy” drop down select “Best Effort”

    2. Under “Environment Addon Features” Click “+” and select “Enable Logging to Host” and “Macaw Development Logging” and click on “Select” Button

  5. Go to Instance Counts tab

    1. Click on “+” Button in Image Tag of Instance Count Section and select Tag (AIAOIA- and click on “Select” Button

  6. If services need to be provisioned with DB support it is asked to provide Inputs for “MySQL DB IP” , “Port”, “Username” and “Password” on required Services and Click on “Verify” Button. External or Internal DB IP needs to be provided as inputs for assets-ingester service, Any other services DB inputs should be provided with Internal DB IP. Note: In order to know internal mysql IP/port and other details we can check in the /home/macaw/platform.cfg file.

  7. Once user clicks on Deploy it will take 10-15 mins for provisioning of services.

  8. In the Service Groups & Applications / Service Clusters page we can see if all services are provisioned or not. If any of the services are found in the InActive tab then they are not provisioned.

Step 3: Dataset-caas memory footprint increase

After services provisioning is completed user needs to increase dataset-caas service container memory. In order to increase the size of the memory, SSH into service VM and execute below command by changing container-id

service-vm> docker update --memory 25769803776 --memory-swap 25769803776 <container-id>

Step 4: Log in to UI with platform Admin user

Navigate in below points is referred to click on Menu icon in top left corner

  1. Navigate to Administration → Manage Service Providers

    1. Select “+” and specify name and click on “Add” button to add Manage Service Provider (MSP)

  2. Navigate to Configuration → Datasets By Customer page

    1. Under Shared click on actions option on right top corner above the tabular report

    2. Select “Setup Services”

    3. Select “Asset Inventory” in the list and click on “Next” Button

    4. Click on “Finish” Button

    Note: It takes a while (10-15mins) to complete all the datasets to be created. Need to make sure a total of 29 datasets are created and move to below steps.

  3. Navigate to Featured Applications → Organizations & Users App

    1. Click on “Add Organization” (+) button and specify Name of the Organization and click on “Save” Button

    2. Navigate to Users page and click on “Add User” (+) button

    3. In Add User pop-up specify User-id, Email, password , Last name , First Name and click on Next button

    4. Select “Enable Role in AIA”

    5. Then Select Organization Role as “Organization Admin” in the drop-down and select Organization in the Organization list and click on “Finish” Button.

Step 5: Login in to UI Above Created User

  1. Navigate to AIA App → My Organizations → Actions → Services → Datasources

    1. In Datasources report click on Add (+) button

    2. Select Datasource type

    3. If Datasource type is SNTC API (or) Cisco Support API need to provide client_id and client_secert along with other mandatory fields.

  2. Close above Datasources tab

  3. Click on the Dictionaries page.

    1. To add any dictionaries click on upload tile

    2. Select dictionary type from drop down list you need to upload

    3. Change the file type based on file extension of uploaded file

    4. Make changes to other fields in the pop-up if needed based on the uploaded file. Else we can leave them as default values.

  4. Click on Files page

    1. Click on Edge collector tile

    2. Upload the file by clicking on choose file

    3. Select the appropriate file type

    4. Click on upload.

Last updated