Step 1: As part of the install after EdgeCollector is installed, EdgeCollector must be configured using the following CLI
$ cfxedgecollector configure
Step 2: Directory Structure
cfxEdgeCollector will be installed under directory /opt/CloudFabrix/cfxEdgeCollector/
As a part of the installation cfxEdgeCollector will create all the following default directories for job and data for the first time when the directories do not exist. The directory structure for EdgeCollector are shown below :
|__ data-dir
|__ job-dir
|__ exported-dir
|__ backup-directory
|__ load-profiles (optional)
|__ <binaries>
Step 3: Configure credentials
Mandatory attributes need to configure --password, --name, --location
UI Username : cfxcollector
UI Password : Password
Once the users execute the above command, data will be populated in the default directory structure as shown above.
Note: Users can also point cfxEdgeCollector to use custom directories as shown in below CLI.
Step 4: Enable Firewall to access UI
Note: EdgeCollector UI can be access using browser and it is bound to port 8888
Enable firewall to allow port 8888 using the following CLI
Step 5: Verification of cfxEdgeCollector installation
Once the cfxEdgeCollector installation is completed, cfxedgecollector CLI is added to the system path. The supported options for cfxedgecollector CLI are as follows.
Last updated